Somewhere in May, I had suddenly been out of Arizona State for as long as I was in it. And you know, I maintain an earlier statement: College was a fucking blast...but real life is much, much sweeter. Here's a recap of the past year:
Winter 2014/2015 - A Season of Stress and Accomplishment
Spring 2015 - A Season of Anxiety
I didn't turn into a pumpkin at midnight when I turned 27, but the anxiety monster reared its ugly head as I entered my late 20's. Suddenly, I was painfully aware that I didn't have an R.I.A., 401K, or stocks. There was also some minor roommate drama going on. Nothing serious, but enough to make me re-question the whole living with roommates thing [more on both the money and roommate topics later].
Summer 2015 - A Season of Happy Busy-ness
Today, Fall 2015 - A Season of Kicking Ass
I walked into my two-year review with zero expectations. I had gotten a head's up that there was a raise and promotion freeze, but knew I wanted to ask for a Senior Writer spot anyway. Well, my two bosses pretended to glance over my self-created year recap and goals, and said, "Actually, we have something better in mind."
For the past two years I've been working on client X, and for the past 10+ months I've been unofficially managing the blog (and officially managing it since summer). That means writing, editing, dealing with the client, dealing with their bloggers, keeping an editorial calendar, pulling analytics, ect. In my review, my bosses said, 'We like everything you've been doing with the X Blog and want you to do the same for ALL of our clients.' Trust me, I tried to stay cool, but my eyebrows were definitely up to my scalp. I asked to think about it over the weekend to process it, which they chuckled about and agreed. And obviously, I said yes first thing on Monday (well, Tuesday. It was Labor Day weekend).
So there you go! I jumped from a Writer/Editor, past Senior Writer, past Editor, to a Content Manager of Blogs under only the Editor in Chief and Manager of Content. My clients are brands you've heard of. Brands that make billions a year. There's a lot of work to be done, but I'm enjoying the challenge. And to be honest, I was going that direction anyway. More strategy, less writing. Now, I'm a pitch hitter writer, full-time editor, and in meetings every day to strategize ways to improve traffic.
More than anything, I'm enormously flattered. And it makes me think that all those little things were actually noticed and counted. Like the fact that when all the writers were given the chance to work from home a few times a week, I was the only one who said no. I'm the only one who's read the marketing books the CEO leaves in our library. I have the cleanest, most minimalist desk. I'm one of the only writers (if the only) who knows the name of every single person in our 55+ person company [and remember, I was the #6 person hired at the job]. My bosses also like that I'm friends with people in other departments. About once a month, I get brunch with members of the design, social media, and marketing teams, as well as the writing staff.
Finally, in taking over the role, I realize how much more involved I was with my projects. A lot of the writers have never asked to see analytics of their work, never asked for access to their writing calendar, never wanted to be in a strategy meeting, never bought a copy of the AP Style book for their house. I asked for all of these things weeks into all of my projects. For our workshops, only three of us have ever volunteered to host them, and once a quarter I present a TED Talk to the whole company. And these two paragraphs are not meant to talk shit about the other writers. They are some of the best damn writers you've ever met in your life and I dare you to read articles better than anything they produce. What I am talking about is the hustle. That all those little extra bits of hustle paid off. At least, that's how I feel from here :)
The bf has been doing well this season too. I got my promotion the same week he started his new job at one of the top solar companies in the country. I didn't think he'd like his corporate job, but he is. He gets a bonus each time he makes a referral and made six last month, and eight this month. I see the competitiveness in him. I see how he researches solar in his off time. I see how happy he is when he gets a group chat with his teammates or has a company BBQ or movie night to attend. After working at small companies for so long and being a lone wolf type, being in a team with room to grow individually has been a boost to his confidence and I'm really proud of him.
And look, for record's sake, I will say that his prolonged unemployment was tough to deal with. There is unbridled anger when you work your ass off all day, deal with problems, strive to do extra, and then you come home to a partner watching tv or giving you grief for working late or working on projects on the weekend or not understanding why you're so beat after a work day. So it's been much, much needed for him to get back on his feet. Now, when I'm reading a marketing book, I see him reading about his industry on his computer. And when he's working late, I'm working late, and we'll eat out once we're together. It's looking like he'll be promoted to the next level by spring, and I'm rooting him on. The only shitty part is that my weekends are his work days and vice versa. At first, we had our Saturdays together, but that hasn't been the case these past few weeks. Hopefully, that'll change.
As far as daily life these days: Yesterday I presented a TED Talk at work, assigned upcoming blogs, finished writing an article for the company, then came home to an ocean sunset, ate ice cream for dinner because I'm an adult and I can do that if I want to, nearly rented Dark Places from RedBox but instead worked on my San Diego travel website I've been neglecting, and cuddled up with the bf for an early night. Today I'm at the VW dealership getting my car repaired and detailed. I'm hoping the rain staves off for rest of the day, as we're going to an Of Monsters and Men concert tonight. Then tomorrow, I'm doing lady brunch at place down the street. I'd also like to get some reading done. I'm not sure where I put Nine Stories by Salinger, but I need to track it down. I also have Contagious, a marketing book by a professor from UPenn. And Devil in the White City, lent from a co-worker in time for Halloween.
Review of Goals from 4 Years Ago
Check! I work as an editor, writer, and strategist for startup marketing agency.
2.) Live in a Cool House
I still live a block from the beach, with really awesome roommates.
3.) Eat Things Besides Mac and Cheese and Pizza
I've improved in my cooking quite a lot. The bf has gotten better at making brunch and spaghetti and meatballs, and I do the rest. Cooking is an evolving skill.
4.) Do Yoga at Least Twice a Week/Jog a Few Times a Week
Haha, no.
5.) Make a Financial Investment
I bought stock in my company, but I'll get to this topic in full later.
6.) Have Better Style
7.) A Year From Now, Be Proud of Something I've Made and Become
Well, I'm certainly happy with my promotion! And I do like my travel website, though I never give it any love. I've always treated it as a parachute, a hustle backup plan, so it doesn't have to be 100% running right now.
8.) Make Friends
Took a hot minute, but yeah, I definitely have some peeps here now. It's also been great to see some old friends come for a visit. Like my one friend who literally showed up for a party for a few hours, crashed on the couch, then left for LA by 8am, haha. It's also been nice seeing my family more this year. I spent quite a bit of time with my mom this past month, and I've been calling my step-dad more often. I can tell he really puffs up in pride when I ask him for career advice.
Goals for Year 5
Roommates - The question of if I should still be living with roommates has come up a lot this year. Here's the thing, and I'm going to do the uncouth thing of telling you how much I make. I make 45k a year--which is pennies for some careers, but about 15k more a year than what most writers make. After California taxes, which are, surprise surprise, steep, plus the amount taken out for the upgraded healthcare I asked for, I take home a little less than $2800 a month. San Diego is the 5th most expensive city in America. Let's repeat that. SAN DIEGO IS THE 5TH MOST EXPENSIVE CITY IN AMERICA. An average studio runs for 1k a month, one-bedroom 1.5k a month, and two-bedroom 2k a month. Sorry, I'm just not willing to spend a 1/3 of my paycheck each month on rent. That's not including utilities, gas, groceries, phone bill, car insurance, car repairs, or anything else.
(1) I've been living in this beach town for four years. I love it. I really do. But should I try out this neighborhood for a year, that neighborhood for a year? I don't feel ready to plant a flag and say, 'This is where I'll be.' It might even be good to move out of the grunge for awhile and return if we want to. But hey, it wouldn't be easy to return this close to the ocean.
(2) Holy hell, have you noticed that as soon as you make more, you spend more? I've been hemorrhaging money lately. Especially my car. I love my bug but at eight years old, she's starting to need extra love. Fixed interior roof ($225). Full detail ($150). VW wants me to put in new brakes ($370), other shocks and alignments ($700). I'm going to shop around at Costco and Midas for those parts-- a whole grand to the dealership seems too much. THEN there was the dentist and lasering between my gums and teeth and helping the gums fuse back to their normal place ($380). Plus, now that I've been promoted, I want a better set of work clothes ($200 so far). And there are little things like new glasses ($150), travel shaving bag ($20), new boots ($50).... And let's not forget any fun things. The bf and I want to get season tickets to the theatre to see Book of Mormon ($300 for one) or at least see the Grinch or Nutcracker ($80 for two). Plus, my favorite music festival of the year is coming up: Wrex the Halls ($100 for two).
SOOOO having roommates helps offset those bills. I live a block from the beach, can pay for shit like bills, and still have a good time. So for now, when it comes to us moving out, I'm filing this topic under 'not yet.'
Money - As I mentioned toward the beginning, I was really freaking out about long-term investments this year. Yes, I bought stock in my company, but they don't offer a 401k yet and I don't have anything else, aside from a money market with my savings account. Right now, I'm really trying to hit a $ goal in savings and then move some into an R.I.A. or something else. Around Christmas, I'll start reading some Finances for Dummies books and move things over by the beginning of 2016. Plus, see above for everything else I've been paying for lately.
Work - Just keep doing my thing. Traffic is not where we want it to be, so my goal is to see improvement for all of my clients.
Health - [See: eats ice cream for dinner]. Now that I have better health insurance, I need to use it. I very much need to pay the dentist a visit, as well as a general check-up. The closer I get to 30, I know I need to get into better habits.
Entertainment - So much good stuff this year! Can't wait to see the Hunger Games, Suffragette, Macbeth, Star Wars, Sisters, maybe Steve Jobs and Joy. For books, as I said, I have some Salinger waiting to be read, a few business books, the autobiography of Violet Jessop, and Devil in the White City. Once Mindy Kaling's new book is out on paperback, I'll pick it up--ditto with Ruth Bader Ginsburg's biography. Furthermore, the bf and I are looking into getting season tickets to the Civic Center Theatre in order to see Book of Mormon. I've always wanted season tickets to the Old Globe as a 'treat yo self' gift, so I'm pretty stoked on the idea. Well, let me see how much they cost first, haha. Oh, and I keep checking to see when the Wrex the Halls lineup will be announced. It's my favorite show of the year.
Well, I've talked a ton! I'm going to clean up this draft as I listen to Beach Fossils, Broken Bells, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Metric, Cage the Elephant, and Death Cab for Cutie on Pandora. Damn good playlist today. Until next time! [Also, #TeamHillaryClinton2016! Can't wait to vote for her in the primaries.]