Blame the seductive Bed Bath and Beyond for my blog absence this week. As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been diligent in redecorating my room this week by finally putting pictures in frames, my diploma on the wall, flowers in the vase, a lamp with a lamp shade, I pinned my multi-colored scarves on my wall as a unique headboard, and I finally bought a new white comforter set with lush red throw pillows.
Thank God for 20% off coupons and stocked up Christmas gift cards and Christmas money I've been saving until I had a reason worth spending.
This week I've also become a California, officially! Nice and early on Thursday I went to get my headlight fixed at the dealership (and wore a cute little dress and got 10% off for no reason ;), then around 10:30am I went to get my required smog check for $31 with a coupon, then around 1pm I headed to the DMV to get my new title, my new registration, change out my plates, and take my driver's test all over again like I was 15. I passed, and after handing over my $143 for registration and $30 for my new license, I was official.
I think I'm someone who needs a tribe, whether that's a friend group, a community, or a citizenship. Immediately after I came home I was itching to vote on California issues. Did you know that hundreds of medial marijuana collectives have been raided or shut down by the feds in the past weeks? Patients--patients like cancer patients who have lost their appetites from chemo, patients with severe insomnia who are tired of pumping addictive sleep medication into their bodies, patients who suffer from Parkinson's and other nerve afflictions and need something to calm their bodies--these patients have been shut out. Or, some of the collectives are reverting to delivery services which only puts it back to the underground and black market.
Look, I'm not especially pro-marijuana (though I've smoked 4 times) because nearly all smokers I've met are broke, unmotivated, and not contributing to the society. But I don't think it should be illegal. And honestly, it's just NOT WORKING. The drug war is not working. It's just not. So it can be in the underground forever and we can waste millions upon millions of tax dollars on something not that harmful, or, we can legalize and tax it, making it ok for smokers who are enjoying their life, safe for people with medical issues, and give us some extra tax cash for things more important like health care, dental care, education, and infrastructure.
Prohibition simply didn't work in 1933. And tobacco will never be illegal because it won't work. And coffee and caffeine will never be banned because it simply won't work. Making pot illegal simply isn't working and won't. So I want to help change the laws by voting and talking to representatives to help stop wasting my money on something so futile.
In other news, my friend The Actress came to visit from LA. She was supposed to do a photo shoot but it canceled before she headed out. I convinced her to come out anyway to get out of LA and to see me and she threw some stuff in a bag and headed over.
She arrived just in time as I got home from getting some groceries. She's broke and honest. She would rather eat in than eat out to save money, and besides me, she's the only other person on the planet with a ghetto phone to save money.
I decided to make fajitas (veggie for her, chicken for us) with my guacamole, and we had a tv date with the Grammys. So I drove us to my boyfriend's house down the road since he has the tv and the people.
Anyway, I cooked up the bell peppers and onion, made some rice (the first I've ever not burnt rice, thank you very much :), stripped the rotisserie chicken meat, and shredded some cheddar cheese.
I highly recommend serving chicken fajitas whenever you have 4+ people to feed because you can pull out a dark cutting board and on that board fill colorful bowls of chicken-cheese-guac-veggies-rice and keep a plate full of warm tortillas on the right side of the cutting board, and a bowl full of blue corn tortilla chips on the left side of the cutting board. Super easy and it looks wonderful.
And it was a hit of course, as were the Grammys and the company. The Dietitian was feeling like absolute shit from a hang-over but she roused herself enough to hang out--plus she's a bit of a fiend of my gauc, haha. Anyway, she was totally fun and made The Actress laugh when The Actress asked: "What did you drink last night?" and she responded, "Too much." Our dj friend also came over, and brought his friend who was this spunky stoned girl who loved Gaga as much as we do.
I don't think I have to talk about how much the Grammys killed it. Adele's "Rolling in the Deep"? Oh my God. You know she was directing that to her ex as a 'fuck you, you could have had it all. And you don't.' Then there was Rihanna's bit which was electrifying, and after watching Coldplay's performance I sincerely want to watch them live. So magical. All of us girls had nothing but hate to say about Chris Brown, and we had nothing but praise and admiration for Jennifer Hudson's respectful, tender, sweet, stunning, and ultimately perfect tribute to Whitney Houston. Oh, and The Civil Wars were a nice surprise, as was Dead Mau5--who probably confused the older viewers. "That's what our generation is into," said our DJ Friend. "Lights and sounds" and energy. And whaaaaa the hell was Nikki Minaj's performance about? It was a confusing mess that was annoying as it was painfully embarrassing. With a shared blunt and some dark chocolate brownies it was perfect way to spend a Sunday night.
The Actress and I headed back to my house and got into a discussion about "wasting time" when it comes to the not-marriage guy. At 23 it's starting to become a...stress for us. Not that she wants to get married and I'm convinced that I would be a better partner at 43 than 23 but still...She's dating a guy she likes but as she said, if a year passes and she still likes what they have but there isn't a future of progress between them it's a waste of her time. As I said, we lose our "marketability" each year we get older. Guys want to date 22 year olds, not 27 year olds. Or as she put it, our sample pool gets smaller, as we don't want to date younger guys and the older ones have too much baggage.
My friends and I have this programming of "better better better, more more more, progress progress progress" (my words) in our heads and we can't help but wonder that question, 'Is this good enough?' but the answer will always be 'no'. Is it the guys we're with? Or is it us? And both The Actress and I can't help but feel a little jealous of The Mormon friend who is so 100% confident that her husband is the right person. I want to feel that way.
I woke up early and watched clips from the Grammys. She slept in very late and pronounced love for my absolutely comfortable bed. Coming from someone who is not easily impressed, I was flattered.
We walked up and down the street going over the same conversation about whether or not sending boyfriends nude pictures is a good idea. We both fervently say 'no', as there is a pervasive gotcha nature of social media and repercussions of mistakes that will never go away online.
She wanted to see The Vow in theaters, which amused me somewhat. Most people come to San Diego to see the beach or the city or the sights and she'd rather sit in a dark theater for 2 hours watching a semi-crappy movie. Scratch that, it was awful. It's main offense was that it was boring, so boring in fact, that you don't care that the couple got together in the first place so you don't care if they get back together or not. Neither of us liked it, and wonder if it would have been a better movie if Mandy Moore would have been in it, and we would have wanted a less stick-figure actor than Channing.
And so it's been a busy week. I'm still riding on the good vibes of my trip to Tempe, though I admit I've been a little sidetracked with decorating and visits to send out resumes and get new interview heels. But it's been nice to be busy, ya know?
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