I like having days off on rainy days. Makes things seem calm and warm on the inside while the outside is gray and drizzly.
I don't have much to report tonight, just an average day living by the beach. My boyfriend woke up before I did to take care of some plant orders at work. I slept in till late, then woke up slowly reading articles and procrastinating on laundry.
A hot bath and the boyfriend came over to pick me up for lunch. Nothing like warm skin, tugged lips, teeth marks on biceps and hand prints from spanks to fully wake up for the day...
We really need to stop getting food from this bar facing the ocean. This is my 5th attempt of eating their food and it was only a mild success, for it's not really that hard to screw up a burger, but the whole thing was a drippy mess with mayo and grilled onions. Though it did pair well with my extra sweet cosmo that he helped me finish.
We talked about the news of Danica Patrick and got into a bit of a debate over "mens" sports, which involve any sport that comes with the chance of dying. Somehow my boyfriend related queen ants with disposable men, how women have a better chance of reproducing their genes then men, and how superior men have their genes passed down versus average men who aren't picked by women. "Do you see yourself as a superior man?" I asked. He evaded the question and asked if I was a superior female. "No. Too short." I answered. "Cleopatra was short," he replied. "Was she?" "I think she was 4'9" and she ruled over the Romans," he smirked. I laughed.
He continued, "It's about using sexuality as a weapon. That's the problem with feminism." I shot him an angry look. "No, no listen," he said, "It's not that feminism isn't about being treated as a human being and being respected and having the same opportunities as all human beings, but a female sexuality is a woman's greatest weapon over men to get what she wants, and to not use both power and sexuality isn't using all the tools available."
There's a contest at work to get the most club member sign-ups. I winning it by like 27 to 5. I can get maybe 1 female for every 15 male to sign up. Not to mention tip money from men, or free pizzas from the guys who work there. It's not being flirty. Just an extra smile to see them. Total suckers. It's a generality, but women tend to hate women--especially if they're under 25 and skinny.
"Margaret Thatcher hated women," I said. "Did she use her sexuality?" he asked. "No, I don't think so. Just sheer will and acting powerful."
After lunch the rain was pouring and I wanted to get some things done, so I went home to read, sleep, light some candles, almost finish my taxes, finally clean out my closet of dirty clothes and a fake Christmas tree in parts, plus work on this much belated birthday cd mix.
It's almost March and I'm honestly pretty excited about it. I have a few goals starting March 1st, like finally get a smart phone, sign up for a Groupon yoga session, learn how to fly a kite, go to some free concerts, maybe make some friends, and hopefully get a new job if not a side job. I go on Indeed.com and craigslist and various company sites and absolutely no writer jobs have been listed in about a week.
Well, my friends. Off to put stuff in the dryer and listen to Bitter:Sweet on Pandora. Hope it's raining where you are and that there's a nice cup of tea in your hands. Till next time!
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