What I like about romance is that it's not about one day, like Valentine's Day, or your birthday--it's an every day thing. It can come with flowers, it can come with extra sweeten morning coffee, it can come with going out to your favorite restaurant, it can come with a can of soup.
When it comes to Valentine's Day my boyfriend and I takes turns on casual. Since it comes after Christmas, our anniversary, his birthday, and a vacation thrown in somewhere between Dec-Feb, we're usually quite mellow about the whole thing. For instance, last year we got dinner and saw a play (Death of a Salesman), and the year before I think we just got some pizza. This year we slept in late in my cozy bed and got a little tangled before heading out to our favorite Cuban sandwich place.
Once there, we got into the discussion of politics and how I think more socialism is needed to free up creativity. If people took jobs based on interests instead of desperately needed benefits I wonder where we'd be as a country. Personally, I think some socialistic programs like food stamps and addiction help are enablers, so that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about universal healthcare (without birth control. I don't think that needs to be included), universal dental, universal vision, better pay for teachers, and tax breaks for organic foods. If the country had it's health and mind supported, maybe we could build things again. My boyfriend was all about how private lives shouldn't be public knowledge, and legalization of victimless drug use.
We walked along the beach aka our neighborhood and ended up on the couch talking about a Safe Access meeting that night and if we should go. Americans for Safe Access is a medical marijuana advocacy group who focus just on medical marijuana. Clearly they haven't done enough since nearly all of the 200 medical collectives in San Diego are now closed. Half way to legal just doesn't work. Civil unions were the half way legal way to marriage and that didn't work. Medical alcohol during Prohibition didn't work. The writing's on the wall. And we had a frank talk about my boyfriend's job. He hasn't been very open with me because his boss hasn't been very open with him. Collectives are shutting down by the dozens every day so the work load has been cut in half, and my boyfriend's job in now on a call-if-needed basis. It's precarious and I asked him what his tolerance is for it. He said the summer time, which seems to be the dateline for all major decisions these days.
The meeting was interesting. A few guys who've been busted and jailed. A confused Ron Paul supporter who thought it was a Ron Paul meeting. A debate if donations to the organization or community complaints by individuals to our congress people are the better answer. And no one has any answers.
I was bummed the bookstore was closed on the way home.
Yesterday that cold I'd been fighting finally hit me, and my boyfriend showed up with three cans soup. I tried my best not to tell him that I hate Campbell's soup...
Over spoonfuls of soup I told him my plans of starting a literary magazine instead of an online magazine. It would be easier to create and would give me practice for the eventual je t'aime magazine. The boyfriend said that I shouldn't. If I'm going to be creating something it should be fun and something that I really want to do. "Say you want to learn how to make cabinets. Now if you start off with learning how to make tables because they're easier, but by the time you're good at making tables....you could have just been making cabinets that the whole time."
It was a good point and I'll be getting a used copy of how to build websites sometimes next week. We put away the dishes and headed back to his place.
There wasn't a moon last night, so the stars were all shiny and bright and something to behold. I remembered my old junior college days taking astronomy and finding Orion, the swan, and the Pleiades while pointing them out to my boyfriend. We walked out to the rocky edge of the ocean--far away enough from the street lights and just a few feet from the water. Absolutely beautiful night. And hopefully that couple with the dog didn't quite see what we were up to in the dark...
Back to the house and I made some brownies, which tasted more like cake than brownies, and we caught up on Colbert and Jon Stewert. I don't quite remember falling asleep on the couch, but I do remember sleeping in this morning until 11 nice and warm next to him.
We walked back to my house this morning in the sun and talked shit about the new table the roommates brought home which doesn't fit the room AT all. There's that old concept again: a dream needing pragmatism. But for now, some extra sweeten coffee and a rose near my bed are quite enough.
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