Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 280-- The aggrevation of a piece of shit computer

Well, I only have about [feels bottom of laptop] maybe 7-8 minutes left before my computer shuts off on itself.  Fucking thing is on its last days.  I think the fans are broken, and the power cord hasn't been working properly for about two weeks.   I just ordered a new power cord for $8 on Amazon to try and make this thing last me until at least August when all of the good back-to-school sales start up.  I mean, it might work.  Or it might be a hardware problem and I simply need a new computer.  I do need one, but I would prefer to get one on sale or with a little somethin' somethin' extra included like they do for back-to-school, or Black Friday, or Christmas time sales.  

I dunno.  It was a piece of shit when I got it, it's been a piece of shit every time it's crashed, and now in its last days/months it's a piece of shit on its deathbed.  Such a huge aggravation since on a cold day like today I was planning on spending a few hours online looking for jobs, making a cd mix, finishing some letters, and watching a movie.   Fucking computer.  


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