Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 298 -- Happy Saturday morning

Happy Saturday morning, everyone!  I'm feeling rather relaxed, awake, fed, stretched, warm, and ready for a day of work.  Work, by the way, has been pretty good lately.  There was a contest to get the most member sign-ups for the reward of a Starbucks gift card.  I won it by like 27 to 2. Then the stats came out for January and whereas most people got about 2-4 sign-ups and the Member Ambassador got 11, I got 42.  Yeah, 42 during one month.  So I won a national prize of a free hotel night stay.  Plus I won another $10 for getting someone to get a credit card.  


Anyway, it's a good morning.  Here's my groove, and the song my boyfriend sent me a few days ago


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