It's funny how doing anything in 2-inch heels suddenly feels more classy.
I'll go back to more break-away posts instead of the personal narrative stream of late, but the past two days have been rather nice and I'd like to update.
Wednesday was my day off and after a hot shower and a good writing session I figured I would look for a new job. The weather in San Diego has been sublime this week and it was wonderfully warm enough to wear a pencil skirt and pumps in late November.
It was then I realized what I've been missing since work and life got hectic: enjoying my beach town. I miss the days when going for a walk was my only task all afternoon, and I had the time to appreciate the bongos, the multicolored sandy houses, the friendliest people you've ever met with the guys in their long hair and the girls with their sea-inspired tattoos, the oddly amusing bums enjoying a joint on the sidewalk, and beach being a mere block or two away. I really do love it here, and if my industry was simply in San Diego I'd have my balance of progress in the city and relaxed beach life at home. I don't think I'd ever want to leave.
Speaking of the city, I drove all the way there and realized I forgot my resume. Oh well. I headed to Von's to get some food. It's rather funny how wearing 2-inch heels in the grocery store makes it seem so much more important. You can't move very fast so each food choice is more important, and the fellow patrons and workers are so much nicer to you.
On the menu that night was baked coconut shrimp and chicken pasta primavera. I'm still adjusting to quiet of my new house so it was a bit daunting to cook in relative silence and lack of cooking tools. One of my roommates, the cellist, came home mid-way through and saved the meal with her ease. I had one of those funny I-went-to-a-party-school moments when we discussed her upcoming 21st birthday and she how didn't know what a power hour was and was surprised my friends and I took a pole dancing class for my 21st two years ago.
I'd give you the recipe but the shrimp weren't as coated as I would have liked. That didn't stop my boyfriend from eating 12 of them and my roommate about 6.
I wanted the night to myself, and as I sat in my mellow yellow room with my little Christmas tree, the bookcases holding over 200 books, and my laptop glowing with the latest CSI: Vegas episode I felt very much like home.
Work was slow. Nothing eventful. I spent the time looking up holiday activities for my boyfriend and I, and decided on December Nights at Balboa Park when several of the museums are free. I debated offering to buy us play tickets to Some Lovers in the park after the museums, but figured I'd talk about it with him. Later in the day I saw that he had texted me wondering if I had Saturday off and wanted to know if he could take me to go to Some Lovers and December Nights, haha. He met me at my place after work.
Bites, scratch marks, and warm skin later....
After a quick nap I figured a hearty burger would be perfect.
Burgers, a PBR for him, and the chilly air at the counter outlooking the December street. I'm bummed I'll be missing the Christmas parade this weekend due to work but that's life. It's nothing a Starbucks can't fix.
With his Pumpkin Spice Latte and my 2 pump mocha, 2 pump vanilla, 0.5 pump peppermint hot chocolate we drove up and down the streets looking at the houses with Christmas lights and trying to find the highest point in our part of town to see downtown.
With "Fade into You" by Mazz playing he eventually he drove us to the the harbor just to get that beautiful city view before heading back to the beach. We ended up in a round-about with him announcing, "There's the city! Oh, it's gone," and laughing. We held hands on the drive home. :)
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