If there was ever a time for tea--or a joint--this is the time. I've spent the past 53 minutes trying to email this publishing company and I keep getting a failure response. I got this email from their website, which didn't work, then I spent 45 minutes searching for individual emails which aren't public, then I resent the email sans pdf files (but with two word attachments) which didn't work. I mean, I still need to attach my resume. Fine, I'll send it with no attachments at all. [waits for spam notice]. Fuck, didn't go through again! I guess I'll settle for tea.
Well, I've been back in San Diego for a little less than two days now. It was quite lovely getting out of the cab from the airport and realizing that it was a warm 74-75 degrees outside with tons of sunshine. The bf and I divided up the presents, cracked opened the windows, plugged in the tree, and he drove to work as I drove to the mall.
For a minute I was a little confused if Christmas had happened at all, for there was still Christmas music playing and shoppers every which way. The Apple store was so packed you'd think Jesus was doing a book signing. [checks email. I think it went through that time!]
The goal I've been the most remiss about this post-college year is getting new clothes. I pretty much despise shopping for clothes. I'd say out of 35 shirts I can try on, only 2 would fit ok, and only 1 shirt might be a style I like. It's completely discouraging and a waste of my time. I understand why clothes are made so generically as they are due to cost and time, but since it's so hard for so many women to find clothes that fit them right, I wish that companies could create lines a little more custom. Like if clothes came in 5', 5'2", 5'4", 5'"6, ect, and each height came in XS, S, M, L, or XL. [checks email. She responded! She said she would pass on my email to the lady in marketing!]
(sigh) Anyway, it was quite fun anyway shopping around at Fashion Valley. I spent most of my time in Anthropologie coveting the candles, books, cooking wares, notepads, and decor. My perfect life would be a mix of Urban Outfitters, Pottery Barn, World Market, and Anthropologie.
I spent Tuesday night writing my belated letters (sorry anyone who was getting a gift from me via mail!), blogging, listening to The Decemberists, and waiting for my boyfriend to come over for our In-N-Out date before picking up The Dietician from the airport.
As we waited for her, we hung out in the car in an empty parking lot near the airport debating our past good roommates and shitty roommates. He's had something like 23 roommates and I've had like 24 roommates. The ones I live with right now are in the bland lower middle.
I woke up at his place, lingered after he went to work, and walked home in the sunshine looking out to the beach. Bank, post office (sorry again; only half of my letters are done), bought a BBQ chicken sandwich, and walked along the shore on my way home.
Ah, and then there was work. But that's a separate entry.
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