Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 246-- English major looking for a job

[the sound of typing and intermittent laughter and whimpers]  

Oh my gosh; looking for a new job; and that moment when you laugh hysterically that Assistant Manager of The Dollar Tree turns up in your search but then realize with slight horror that you're probably not qualified (I'm not bilingual nor have management experience). 

I can't help but wonder how useful it would have been to have a professor give us an assignment of looking at job sites for our major as a preview of real life.  Maybe we, i.e. I, would have taken different internships or classes to build up that resume.  From what I can see available for English majors interested in Communications/Publishing it looks like backgrounds in web design, html, bilingualism, medicine (tons of openings for scientific writers), grant work, and technology are all a huge plus, if not the underlining reason why you get hired.  

For now I'm looking at jobs as a staff person at a university because (1) I'm qualified for secretary work (kind of) by working at a hotel, (2) universities inspire me and I think the environment would be motivating for me, (3) better hours, and (4) I could work with people my own age and maybe make friends.

Wish me luck.  And hopefully you won't see me managing your local Dollar Tree.


Saher said...

Hmm interesting that there's such a demand for scientific writers. I think you should try it, just buy a medical dictionary, lol, but seriously I think it's a good stepping stone. I also love universities. I really hope I find my dream job working at one :)

Ink Blots and Flip-Flops said...

Let's become college professors!

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