"Everlasting Light" by The Black Keys is playing loud in my ear and the slow rhythm from reggae night at the local bar hasn't quite left my body. What a day.
I quit a job today for the first time in my life. I felt nauseous and shaky in the parking lot, and sputtered out my reasons to my boss in such a nervous way that I think I made her nervous.
Please understand, I have incredible fortitude when it comes to crappy jobs/crappy situations. I once had a boss who micromanaged and wrote people up so often that the whole store would go hush when she entered the room and I hid from her in the corner of my mind when she was around. I outlasted her. I've outlasted many a challeges.
This job simply wasn't for me. To get to the crux: I didn't realize the extent of the loneliness on the job. I would have to be by myself all shift (I took this job to meet people in a new city), and I would have to close the store by myself (I know I'm paranoid, but I'm small and I didn't feel comfortable being alone in empty store where I can't see what's going on). Add on the fact that there wasn't recipe cards for the drink let alone the food I'd have to make when the cook left, questionable health protocol, plus the disorganization of things, and yeah, I knew I could stick it out if I needed to, but I didn't see happiness down the road.
In a way, I'm in the same place I was when I first moved here, but I'm surprisingly calm. I made a good dinner, did some much needed errands, finally watched Salt, and saw some live music to top the night off.
P.s. In unrelated news, I picked up my college diploma from the post office today. A good day.
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