Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 111a-- Missing that old twisty tree

Finally; a chance to write.  It's been a really weird day all day, and I wonder if I'm fighting off a cold or if it's just unsettled unhappiness with one of my jobs.  More on that in a different post.

Today I was at my desk in the warehouse where my book publisher is located, with gray cubicles walls around me and way too much glow from the computer screen, and all I could think about was that twisty tree in my backyard I used to sit in as a kid and watch the soccer games happening at my junior high just over our fence.  I haven't thought about that tree much in the past 9 or so years, but today I oddly miss it.

Maybe it's the changing of the seasons getting to me, but today I wish I could be sitting in that old twisty tree, watching a soccer game, knowing how precious junior high years are before the competition and the hype of high school, waiting for my dad to come home so we can get our weekly Roundtable pizza, waiting for my mom to come home and remembering her pretty face, playing with Misty our golden cocker spaniel, writing letters to Brittney W---, my pen pal, wondering if the afternoon would never end.  :)


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