It's a little past 9am and I have "Lucky" by Britney Spears stuck in my head. "Early morning/ she wakes up/knock knock knock on the door".
My boyfriend started an internship this week and this morning I watched him struggle waking up for the morning shift doing more or less what I do every day. Feeling a little sick first thing in the morning? Check. Looked for food that kinda wasn't there? Check. Want to stand around and have a moment of peace before work but can't? Check. Digging around for the right work clothes? Check. Almost out the door and late but can't find that one fucking thing you know is here somewhere? Check.
A part of me really wants to blow of my internship today so I can have my first day off in two weeks. But one of the women I worked with calmly bitched me out on Tuesday for asking the head boss last week if I could join the meeting, not her. Apparently she's my boss though every day for the last month she's told me to ask Kara what tasks to do each day, not her, and she never make it clear that she's in charge.
(sigh). Yesterday was good. I think I'm finally getting the hang of the front desk job. For various tasks I would remember steps 1-3, forget 4, remember 5, kinda know 6, ect, and now I know steps 1-10, but forget 11, ect. I annoyed a co-worker by bitching about everyone's least favorite grave-shift audit worker who makes everyone late coming home. I was telling my co-worker how frustrating it is that I've had reservations or plans and have been late for them. She snottily told me to deal with it and to get used to being late. I rebutted that I have no problem staying later to finish tasks--of course I will--but when I'm 30 minutes late because of someone else's lack of consideration it's not acceptable.
How do you handle this situation? When I'm off at 7:30 I expect to be off at 7:30. If a guest needs something, sure I can do one last time or help a co-worker out getting one last thing done, but if someone is purposely making me late because they don't bother showing up on time or feel like taking a long smoke break right before I'm supposed to leave how is that ok?
Yes, it looks better to not complain and deal with. And obviously I will and have been. And if it really bothers me, yes I'll find another job. But the rightness vs wrongness of the whole matter, plus the co-worker defending shitty behavior just gets to me. On the bright side I had these crazy funny 40-something married guests who just loved me yesterday and would yell my name across the halls, told my boss to give me a raise, and told all of us that they're buying us lunch.
It was a nice way of ending the work day and I got off early enough to go to Walmart and buy a curtain rod and still meet up with the roommates and neighbors for the farmers market. I bought a yummy peach, sampled pesto, bought some so-so black olive bread, and took home some onion rings. The other roommate came home with some homemade zucchini bread we all shared over conversations of traveling, bad bosses, pot legalization, and going to Sea World.
Today should be interesting. I'm going to try to clean up the room before I leave. I need to take off in about 20. Hopefully the bf and I will go grocery shopping when I get home and do a few loads of laundry. If I have enough time I really want to finish my friend's much belated birthday cd mix and look on craigslist for a place to live. Got to run!
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