There are days when the right thing is said, and the right thing is heard. And if you're lucky enough, it's your friend on the other line with that almost oracle wisdom that can create a storm of energy from a place in your soul you nearly forgot about amidst all the busyness of grocery store lines and punch time cards.
I spent all of Saturday doing my planning for an upcoming trip to the Bay Area, including diagrams of flight information and prices and if I would fly or drive and if my friends could pick me up half way and take me to my flight home. So I called them and we talked. And talked. And glowed a little bit in excitement for the things to come. I had a pen handy in talking to Jo so I'll share some wisdom from the launch pad.
My friend Jo:
"I know it sounds lofty, but say it and run with it." [on the topic of how we're uncomfortable that we want to get a master's degree. Fuck, just say that we want one and run with it.]
"And we should. Our twenties are the last time to be risky." [on why we should take the risk of moving somewhere new and entering grad school before family+house]
women are so goddamn altruistic. We need to be more selfish, bad-ass
women." [on the topic of us stepping up but the guys in our lives
floundering and us letting them drown us with them.]
"This is about dreams, this is about goals, this is about personal projects." [on wanting to progress in our lives]
"When are we ever ready? Truly. When are we ever ready?" [about life.]
We talked about friendship and life, and how in the next stage we really want to be in the right place. And how place has somehow meant more than we thought. The culture of the place, its values, its people, its sense of creativity, the way it will shape us. What place do we want to be our home? And of course, how we'll want to visit each other in our new homes, haha.
Ooh, when will you be in the Bay Area? Want to meet up for coffee or something?
I'll be in town late Wed May 16 through either Friday, or Saturday morning (somehow I'm getting from San Jose to Sac). I should be free for a bit Thursday night/Friday morn. I'd love to see you!
Wonderful! Let's make plans when the date gets closer.
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