I have forgotten what it feels like to be tired. I woke up at 8am and have had a half dozen things happen all at once, and now it's pushing midnight and I still have so much more to do before my alarm goes off at 7am tomorrow morning because I had to move my dentist appointment to 8am. Let's break down the day:
9:15 am: Had a phone interview with an upscale apartment complex that's my top choice for salary, 3rd choice for location. I think it went well, aside from the trick questions like, "Would you like to eventually work full-time? (in a nice voice)" "Yes, I would love to grow into a full-time position" "Ok, well this job is part-time only and will be for the next year so you may want to look elsewhere if you want full-time.""No no, I'm looking for about 30 hours a week so 28 is just fine." She also chastised me for not knowing enough details about the company like the fact they have Halloween parties at work. Jesus, I knew the basics of the company but I didn't know there'd be a quiz.
10 am: Third day at my internship and got super exciting news! They liked my proposal so I'll be spearheading a project/contest to get one high school student published this year. One of my upper co-workers (I don't have a boss) said that it's a complicated idea but a good one. This is my chance to make someone's dream come true and I swear I tear up just thinking about it.
12 pm-ish: I got a follow-up call from the morning interviewing saying I passed to a in-person interview. I signed up for the 11am tomorrow slot. Pretty promising. Once again I was asked if I was ok taking a hair follicle sample. I said yes. I am not. One, I'm around smoke constantly, and two, I'm paranoid about companies owning my DNA. Hopefully it's just a scare tactic.
12:15 pm: Got a reminder call from my new dentist that my appointment tomorrow was for 12. I had to reschedule because of the interview so 8am drill, here I come.
1 pm: Had lunch with two of my co-workers which was a big step in them being comfortable around me (they're pretty quiet but nice) and we talked about the general shithole that awaits college and high school grad these days. I seriously need to stop talking so much.
3 pm: I finished updating various websites about our upcoming book signings and got started with my Project: Big Dream (title pending). L. (50something, worked in publishing 14+years, nice, closest thing a boss for me) told me that the first step is researching grants. I need to find grants will work for my project and gather data on what each grant wants so that a few grant proposal templates can be written. I sorta understood what she meant.
3:30 pm: Another job called me to set up an interview. This one's for Friday and it's my top choice location but not enough hours or pay. Fucking hate the "how much are you looking to make an hour?" question. Too high and they don't want you; too low and they make you stick to that number.
4 pm: Drove to the mall to buy black suit for the job interview in the morning. I own a pin-strip, but not a solid black one like they requested.
5 pm: Got lost on the way home.
5:45 pm: The dry-cleaners were closed so I didn't know where to get my new suit pants hemmed.
6 pm: Bought an In-N-Out meal for the boyfriend and I.
6:30 pm: Hung out with the new roommate and her friend, both whom I really like. We bonded over the dreadful Spread movie (with Ashton Kutcher) that we watched last night.
7:30 pm: I really wanted to use my momentum to research the company I'm interviewing with tomorrow and to blog but my boyfriend came in and wanted to distract me for a bit. Girls, do you ever just want to get your shit done sometimes even at the prospect of an orgasm? It's wonderful and I seriously do appreciate it--really, I do--but all focus gets lost.
9 pm: So tired and annoyed about some drama and needed a shower to change my head space.
Now 11:45 pm: Never did get back to grant research. Still haven't filled out the stuff I need to before tomorrow. Still need to duct tape my pants or something before tomorrow.
So yeah. Three amazing things and one bum thing. I'm seriously looking forward to a nap already.
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