I've been in a retrospective mood this week since college started up in AZ and I'm living a fun post-college life out here in San Diego. I've been rethinking the things I wish I had known going in, the things I've learned when I was there, and the things I've learned once outside the classroom.
6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Entering College
1.) Knowing another language
Trying to learn French in college + a part-time job + 4 other classes + a social life wasn't going to work. If I had known a language before college I would have been more confident in traveling abroad.
In the 8th grade Stephanie W--- offered to do my make-up one day. I was super shy about it, but was disappointed she forgot about the next day. I entered college with some eyeliner and...I think that was it. Oh and some plaid capris and college tank tops. College is the time to be someone new. I wish I had gone in with the sexy look and sexy confidence that I didn't learn until halfway in. Is being hot necessary? No. But why not have college be your popular years for the hell of it?
3.) Be VERY CAREFUL when picking friends
Who you hang out with is who you largely become. If you're friends with the party crowd, then you'll be hanging out at parties. If you're friends with the sporty crowd, then you'll be hanging out doing or watching sports. Make friends with people that you admire, who are doing things you're interesting in doing or becoming. Looking back, I wish I had made more friends in the English Lit program who were publishing or grad school-minded because I could have been inspired to intern way earlier and would have people on similar career paths to talk to.
4.) A refresher on sex-ed
I remembered quite a bit from sex-ed from back in my Freshmen year of high school, but there really should be a refresher course the first year of college when we're actually having sex. I didn't realize how the pill effect women so differently. A friend and I were on the same brand and I would always start my period on Tuesday and end on Friday, whereas she would start anywhere from day 25-35 with spotting in between and cramping. I'm glad I got tested and so many of my friends do too, but how many others know that STDs are a 1 in 4? Also, a condom should be used the whole time, not just the end. Oops.
5.) Where I wanted to live in 4 years
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